Thursday, March 13, 2014

The House Page - Part 1

So I started the House page from The Great Quiet Book Sew-Along by Thread Riding Hood!  A quick peek at the main sew-along page will show that Sherri did not start at page 1, but page 10.  I am hoping that is because the House page is the easiest of the 12 pages.

For me, this was the first time that I tried my hand at applique.  The main pieces of the page were pretty easy.  The pattern pieces provided by Sherri are straightforward and just a simple cutting exercise.  From there I followed Sherri's tutorial directions and was able to get 2 (almost) matching pages started.  Here are pics of the pages BEFORE I did the applique stitching.

House 1

House 2
It turns out that I did not cut the cloud out of the terry cloth properly.  I figured that on house 2, there was enough room between the sun and the house to keep the incorrectly cut cloud.  On house 1 there was not enough room, so I had to cut out the fabric and fusible web again.  This will also help tell the difference between the books.  One finished books is for my nephew, and one is for my own little one, as mentioned in my second post, Getting Ready, so being able to tell them apart will be important!

With the fabric fused together, it was time to try my hand at applique.  On house 1, I tried a double zig-zag stitch, but I found that the holes the needle left from multiple insertions were too big for my liking.  For house 2, I used the regular zig-zag, and like it much better.  The difference is obvious in the picture.

House 1 on top, House 2 on bottom

(I haven't been able to figure out how to get my pictures in a different orientation.  I will work on it!)

Next up was stitching the cloud.  I was concerned about the curves and the terry cloth turns out, with good reason!  Here is the result:

House 1 - Back

House 1 - Front
To say it is a hot mess is an understatement!  At the time, I wasn't sure what caused the thread mess on the back side, but after consulting my sewing machine owner's manual, I figured it might be the tension.  So for house 2 page, I adjusted the tension, practiced on some scrap terry cloth and cotton, and went for house 2's cloud!

House 2 - Back
House 2 - Front
Clearly, still some problems, but much better, in my opinion.  Lesson learned about tension settings!

More to come,

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